Monday - Sunday (10 am - 05 pm)
Ablelife ServicesAblelife ServicesAblelife Services
1800 431 317
31 Oakgrove drive Craigieburn VIC 3064




National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 (the Act) establishes the National Disability Insurance Scheme (the NDIS). People who are participants in the NDIS will be assisted to develop a personal, goal-based plan about how they will be provided with general supports and reasonable and necessary supports. The NDIS will respect the interests of people living with disability in exercising choice and control about matters that affect them.

In addition to finding and retaining a job, financial assistance, health care, and housing are available. Several types of NDIS support are available to individuals living with disabilities, no matter how long they've lived with those disabilities.

We believe that the NDIS Participants have the right to feel safe and receive quality service from us. The information provided in this pack gives participants information about their rights, the role of the NDIS Commission, choosing quality and safe supports, and how to make a complaint.

Mental health services and the NDIS aim to work closely together to coordinate care for people with mental health conditions requiring both mental health services and NDIS supports. Mental health services provide treatment for mental health conditions. The NDIS funds support and assist people with the activities of daily living and help for them to achieve their goals and live an ordinary life.

When you have an approved NDIS plan, you need to understand the different budgets and who can help you start using your plan, and how your plan is managed. It is now up to you to choose what supports and services you feel you need to pursue your goals, who provides them and when and where they are delivered.




Nursing attendants take care of the daily activities of patients in need. They provide supportive care. We offer a personalised nursing care at home as offered in a typical hospital while being more compassionate towards the patient and gets integrated into the patient’s family and develops an emotional bond with the patient and their family. Our services are provided by registered nurses, physiotherapists and occupational therapists among others. And as such you need not worry on the quality of service offered by AblelifeServices.



At Ablelife Services, we believe that the people living with disabilities are equals and should be seen as deserving the same opportunities like everyone else. All they require is an opportunity to live a life with dignity.

Do you have a question that we have not answered above?

Head office address:

31 Oakgrove drive Craigieburn VIC 3064

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